Java Program To Check if String Contains Digits

In this post, we will learn Java program to check if String contains digits.

Here I will discuss two methods to find the numeric in a string.

  1. Using regular expression
  2. Using isDigit() method

Java Program To Check if String Contains Digits

Method 1: Using Regular Expression

package demopkg;

public class CheckNumericValue {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
     String sInput = "Page Not Found - 404";
    // using regular expression


Output: 404

Explanation: Here we have used replaceAll() method to replace string value with null.

[^0-9] – Represent non-numeric value.

[0-9] – Represent numeric value


Method 2: Using isDigit() method

package demopkg;

public class CheckIsNumeric {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String sInput = "Page Not Found - 404";
        char[] c = sInput.toCharArray();
         StringBuffer sb =new StringBuffer();
         boolean flag =false;
         for (char ch: c) {
         if(Character.isDigit(ch)) {
          flag = true;
         if(flag) {
         }else {
             System.out.println("Not contains digits");


Output: 404

Explanation: isDigit() is the method of Character class. First I have converted string into array of character then using for-each loop iterate each character then in if condition I checked numeric value one by one using isDigits() method.

Java checks if string contains letters and numbers

In above program we have already used regular expression [^0-9] to find the letters in a given string, same like using [a-zA-Z] can be used to find letters in a given string.

package demopkg;

public class CheckNumericValue {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
     String sInput = "Internal Server Error - 404";
    // using regular expression
      System.out.println(sInput.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z]"," "));
       System.out.println(sInput.replaceAll("[a-zA-Z]"," "));



Internal Server Error

– – 404

How To Check if a string contains only digits Python

If a string only numbers if the string’s character consist 0 to 9 numeric value. For example – “04567” etc.

# Initialising string
ini_str1 = '1234556'
ini_str2 = 'ghk123bc'

# printing initial string
print ("Initial Strings : ", ini_str1, ini_str2)
# Using isdigit()
if ini_str1.isdigit():
    print ("String1 contains all numbers")
    print ("String1 doesn't contains all numbers")
if ini_str2.isdigit():
    print ("String2 conatins all numbers")
    print ("String2 doesn't contains all numbers")


Initial Strings : 1234556 ghk123bc
String1 contains all numbers
String2 doesn’t contains all numbers


In this post we have learnt ‘Java program to check if String contains digits‘ using different ways.

Thanks for reading! Happy Learning 🙂

Must Read:

Java Program to Find Palindrome Number

Java Program to Find ArmStrong Number

Check if the String contains only unicode letters or digits in Java


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